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Week of 12/02/2024 Title: On Convective Turnover Times and Dynamos In Low-Mass Stars Authors: Seth Gossage, Rocio Kiman, Kristina Monsch, Amber Medina, Jeremy Drake, Cecilia Garraffo, Yuxi Joshua Wing, Nicholas Wright
Abstract: The relationship between magnetic activity and Rossby number is one way through which stellar dynamos can be understood. Using measured rotation rates and X-ray to bolometric luminosity ratios of an ensemble of stars, we derive empirical convective turnover times based on recent observations and re-evaluate the X-ray activity-Rossby number relationship. In doing so, we find a sharp rise in the convective turnover time for stars in the mass range of $0.35-0.4\ \rm M_{\odot}$, associated with the onset of a fully convective internal stellar structure. Using $\texttt{MESA}$ stellar evolution models, we infer the location of dynamo action implied by the empirical convective turnover time. The empirical convective turnover time is found to be indicative of dynamo action deep within the convective envelope in stars with masses $0.1-1.2\ \rm M_{\odot}$, crossing the fully convective boundary. Our results corroborate past works suggesting that partially and fully convective stars follow the same activity-Rossby relation, possibly owing to similar dynamo mechanisms. Our stellar models also give insight into the dynamo mechanism. We find that empirically determined convective turnover times correlate with properties of the deep stellar interior. These findings are in agreement with global dynamo models that see a reservoir of magnetic flux accumulate deep in the convection zone before buoyantly rising to the surface. Title: Magnetic interaction of stellar coronal mass ejections with close-in exoplanets: implication on planetary mass loss and Ly-$α$ transits Authors: Gopal Hazra, Aline Vidotto, Stephen Carolan, Carolina D'Angelo, Dúalta Fionnagáin
Abstract: Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) erupting from the host star are expected to have effects on the atmospheric erosion processes of the orbiting planets. For planets with a magnetosphere, the embedded magnetic field in the CMEs is thought to be the most important parameter to affect planetary mass loss. In this work, we investigate the effect of different magnetic field structures of stellar CMEs on the atmosphere of a hot Jupiter with a dipolar magnetosphere. We use a time-dependent 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) atmospheric escape model that self-consistently models the outflow from hot Jupiters magnetosphere and its interaction with stellar CMEs. For our study, we consider three configurations of magnetic field embedded in stellar CMEs -- (a) northward $B_z$ component, (b) southward $B_z$ component, and (c) radial component. {We find that both the CMEs with northward $B_z$ component and southward $B_z$ component increase the planetary mass-loss rate when the CME arrives from the stellar side, with the mass-loss rate remaining higher for the CME with northward $B_z$ component until it arrives at the opposite side.} The largest magnetopause is found for the CME with a southward $B_z$ component when the dipole and the CME magnetic field have the same direction. We also find that during the passage of a CME, the planetary magnetosphere goes through three distinct changes - (1) compressed magnetosphere, (2) enlarged magnetosphere, and (3) relaxed magnetosphere for all three considered CME configurations. We compute synthetic Ly-$\alpha$ transits at different times during the passage of the CMEs. The synthetic Ly-$\alpha$ transit absorption generally increases when the CME is in interaction with the planet for all three magnetic configurations. The maximum Ly-$\alpha$ absorption is found for the radial CME case when the magnetosphere is the most compressed. Title: X-Ray, UV, and Optical Observations of Proxima Centauri's Stellar Cycle Authors: B.J. Wargelin, S.H. Saar, Z.A. Irving, J.D. Slavin, P. Ratzlaff, J.-D. Jr
Abstract: Proxima Cen (GJ 551; dM5.5e) is one of only about a dozen fully convective stars known to have a stellar cycle, and the only one to have long-term X-ray monitoring. A previous analysis found that X-ray and mid-UV observations, particularly two epochs of data from Swift, were consistent with a well sampled 7 yr optical cycle seen in ASAS data, but not convincing by themselves. The present work incorporates several years of new ASAS-SN optical data and an additional five years of Swift XRT and UVOT observations, with Swift observations now spanning 2009 to 2021 and optical coverage from late 2000. X-ray observations by XMM-Newton and Chandra are also included. Analysis of the combined data, which includes modeling and adjustments for stellar contamination in the optical and UV, now reveals clear cyclic behavior in all three wavebands with a period of 8.0 yr. We also show that UV and X-ray intensities are anti-correlated with optical brightness variations caused by the cycle and by rotational modulation, discuss possible indications of two coronal mass ejections, and provide updated results for the previous finding of a simple correlation between X-ray cycle amplitude and Rossby number over a wide range of stellar types and ages. Title: A link between rocky exoplanet composition and stellar age Authors: Angharad Weeks, Vincent Eylen, Daniel Huber, Daisuke Kawata, Amalie Stokholm, Victor Børsen-Koch, Paola Pinilla, Jakob Rørsted, Mark Winther, Travis Berger
Abstract: Interior compositions are key for our understanding of Earth-like exoplanets. The composition of the core can influence the presence of a magnetic dynamo and the strength of gravity on the planetary surface, both of which heavily impact thermal and possible biological processes and thus the habitability for life and its evolution on the planet. However, detailed measurements of the planetary interiors are extremely challenging for small exoplanets, and existing data suggest a wide diversity in planet compositions. Hitherto, only certain photospheric chemical abundances of the host stars have been considered as tracers to explain the diversity of exoplanet compositions. Here we present a homogeneous analysis of stars hosting rocky exoplanets, with ages between 2 and 14 Gyr, revealing a correlation between rocky exoplanet compositions and the ages of the planetary systems. Denser rocky planets are found around younger stars. This suggests that the compositional diversity of rocky exoplanets can be linked to the ages of their host stars. We interpret this to be a result of chemical evolution of stars in the Milky Way, which modifies the material out of which stars and planets form. The results imply that rocky planets which form today, at similar galactocentric radii, may have different formation conditions, and thus different properties than planets which formed several billion years ago, such as the Earth. Week of 11/18/2024 Title: First Solar Orbiter observation of a dark halo in the solar atmosphere Authors: Lezzi, S. M.; Long, D. M.; Andretta, V.; Baker, D.; Dolliou, A.; Murabito, M.; Parenti, S.; Zambrana Prado, N.
Abstract: Context. Solar active regions (ARs) are often surrounded by dark large areas of reduced emission compared to the quiet Sun, observed at various wavelengths corresponding to the chromosphere, transition region (TR), and corona, known as dark halos (DHs). The mechanisms behind the darker emission of DHs remain unclear and merit a wider scope of study. Aims. This study aims to investigate for the first time the fine structure of a DH observed by the EUV High Resolution Imager (HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB>) on board the ESA's Solar Orbiter (SO) mission and its appearance in the TR. Aims. We utilized the extensive 1 hour dataset from SO on 19 March 2022, which includes high-resolution observations of NOAA 12967 and part of the surrounding DH. We analyzed the dynamics of the HRI<SUB>EUV</SUB> DH fine structure and its appearance in the HRI<SUB>Lyα</SUB> image. We also analyzed the Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) Lyβ, C III, N VI, O VI, and Ne VIII lines, which sample the TR in the log T(K) ∼ 4.0–5.8 range. This analysis was complemented with a simultaneous B<SUB>LOS</SUB> magnetogram taken by the High Resolution Telescope (HRT). Methods. We report the presence of a peculiar fine structure that has not been observed for the quiet Sun. It is characterized by combined bright EUV bundles and dark regions, arranged and interconnected in such a way that they cannot be clearly separated. They form a spatial continuum extending approximately radially from the AR core, suggesting a deep connection between the DH and the AR. Additionally, we find that the bright EUV bundles are observed in all the SPICE TR lines and the HRI<SUB>Lyα</SUB> band and present photospheric B<SUB>LOS</SUB> footprints in the HRT magnetogram. This spatial correlation indicates that the origin of the 174 Å DH may lie in the low atmosphere: the photosphere and chromosphere. Title: An HST Transmission Spectrum of the Closest M-Dwarf Transiting Rocky Planet LTT 1445Ab Authors: Katherine Bennett, David Sing, Kevin Stevenson, Hannah Wakeford, Zafar Rustamkulov, Natalie Allen, Joshua Lothringer, Ryan MacDonald, Nathan Mayne, Guangwei Fu
Abstract: Which rocky exoplanets have atmospheres, and which do not? This presumably simply question is the first that must be answered in the pathway toward understanding the prevalence of nearby habitable planets. A mere 6.9 pc from Earth, the LTT 1445A system is the closest transiting M-dwarf system, and its largest known planet, at $\rm 1.31\; R_{\oplus}$ and 424 K, is one of the best rocky targets in which to search for an atmosphere. We use HST/WFC3 transmission spectroscopy with the G280 and G141 grisms to study the spectrum of LTT 1445Ab between $\rm 0.2-1.65\;\mu m$. In doing so, we uncover a flare on the neighboring star LTT 1445C, and report one of the first simultaneous near-UV/optical spectra of an M dwarf flare. The planet spectrum is consistent with a flat line, though the infrared portion displays potential features that could be explained by known opacity sources such as HCN. Some atmospheric retrievals weakly favor ($\sim2\sigma$) an atmosphere over a flat line, but it remains challenging to discern between stellar contamination, an atmosphere, and a featureless spectrum at this time. We do, however, confidently rule out $\leq100\times$ solar metallicity atmospheres. Although stellar contamination retrievals cannot fit the infrared features well, the overall spectrum is consistent with stellar contamination from hot spots, cold spots, or both. Based on the UV/optical data, we place limits on the extent of stellar variability expected in the near-infrared ($30-40$ ppm), which will be critical for upcoming JWST observations of this highly optimal target. Title: Rising Near-Ultraviolet Spectra in Stellar Megaflares Authors: Adam Kowalski, Rachel Osten, Yuta Notsu, Isaiah Tristan, Antigona Segura, Hiroyuki Maehara, Kosuke Namekata, Shun Inoue,
Abstract: Flares from M-dwarf stars can attain energies up to $10^4$ times larger than solar flares but are generally thought to result from similar processes of magnetic energy release and particle acceleration. Larger heating rates in the low atmosphere are needed to reproduce the shape and strength of the observed continua in stellar flares, which are often simplified to a blackbody model from the optical to the far-ultraviolet (FUV). The near-ultraviolet (NUV) has been woefully undersampled in spectral observations despite this being where the blackbody radiation should peak. We present Hubble Space Telescope NUV spectra in the impulsive phase of a flare with $E_{\rm{TESS}} \approx 7.5 \times 10^{33}$ erg and a flare with $E_{\rm{TESS}} \approx 10^{35}$ erg and the largest NUV flare luminosity observed to date from an M star. The composite NUV spectra are not well represented by a single blackbody that is commonly assumed in the literature. Rather, continuum flux rises toward shorter wavelengths into the FUV, and we calculate that an optical $T=10^4$ K blackbody underestimates the short wavelength NUV flux by a factor of $\approx 6$. We show that rising NUV continuum spectra can be reproduced by collisionally heating the lower atmosphere with beams of $E \gtrsim 10$ MeV protons or $E \gtrsim 500$ keV electrons and flux densities of $10^{13}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. These are much larger than canonical values describing accelerated particles in solar flares. Week of 11/11/2024 Title: On Convective Turnover Times and Dynamos In Low-Mass Stars Authors: Seth Gossage, Rocio Kiman, Kristina Monsch, Amber Medina, Jeremy Drake, Cecilia Garraffo, Yuxi Joshua Wing, Nicholas Wright
Abstract: The relationship between magnetic activity and Rossby number is one way through which stellar dynamos can be understood. Using measured rotation rates and X-ray to bolometric luminosity ratios of an ensemble of stars, we derive empirical convective turnover times based on recent observations and re-evaluate the X-ray activity-Rossby number relationship. In doing so, we find a sharp rise in the convective turnover time for stars in the mass range of $0.35-0.4\ \rm M_{\odot}$, associated with the onset of a fully convective internal stellar structure. Using $\texttt{MESA}$ stellar evolution models, we infer the location of dynamo action implied by the empirical convective turnover time. The empirical convective turnover time is found to be indicative of dynamo action deep within the convective envelope in stars with masses $0.1-1.2\ \rm M_{\odot}$, crossing the fully convective boundary. Our results corroborate past works suggesting that partially and fully convective stars follow the same activity-Rossby relation, possibly owing to similar dynamo mechanisms. Our stellar models also give insight into the dynamo mechanism. We find that empirically determined convective turnover times correlate with properties of the deep stellar interior. These findings are in agreement with global dynamo models that see a reservoir of magnetic flux accumulate deep in the convection zone before buoyantly rising to the surface. Week of 11/04/2024 Title: On Convective Turnover Times and Dynamos In Low-Mass Stars Authors: Seth Gossage, Rocio Kiman, Kristina Monsch, Amber Medina, Jeremy Drake, Cecilia Garraffo, Yuxi Joshua Wing, Nicholas Wright
Abstract: The relationship between magnetic activity and Rossby number is one way through which stellar dynamos can be understood. Using measured rotation rates and X-ray to bolometric luminosity ratios of an ensemble of stars, we derive empirical convective turnover times based on recent observations and re-evaluate the X-ray activity-Rossby number relationship. In doing so, we find a sharp rise in the convective turnover time for stars in the mass range of $0.35-0.4\ \rm M_{\odot}$, associated with the onset of a fully convective internal stellar structure. Using $\texttt{MESA}$ stellar evolution models, we infer the location of dynamo action implied by the empirical convective turnover time. The empirical convective turnover time is found to be indicative of dynamo action deep within the convective envelope in stars with masses $0.1-1.2\ \rm M_{\odot}$, crossing the fully convective boundary. Our results corroborate past works suggesting that partially and fully convective stars follow the same activity-Rossby relation, possibly owing to similar dynamo mechanisms. Our stellar models also give insight into the dynamo mechanism. We find that empirically determined convective turnover times correlate with properties of the deep stellar interior. These findings are in agreement with global dynamo models that see a reservoir of magnetic flux accumulate deep in the convection zone before buoyantly rising to the surface. Week of 10/28/2024 Title: Blackbody Stars Authors: Suzuki, Nao; Fukugita, Masataka
Abstract: We report the discovery of stars that show spectra very close to blackbody radiation. We found 17 such stars out of 798,593 stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic data archives. We discuss the value of these stars for the calibration of photometry, regardless of the the physical nature of these stars. This gives us a chance to examine the accuracy of the zero point of SDSS photometry across various passbands: we conclude that the zero point of SDSS photometric system is internally consistent across its five passbands to the level below 0.01 mag. We may also examine the consistency of the zero points between UV photometry of Galaxy Evolution Explorer and SDSS, and IR photometry of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer against SDSS. These stars can be used not only as photometric but also spetrophotometric standard stars. We suggest that these stars showing the featureless blackbody-like spectrum of the effective temperature of 10000 ± 1500 K are consistent with DB white dwarfs with temperatures too low to develop helium absorption features. Title: On Convective Turnover Times and Dynamos In Low-Mass Stars Authors: Seth Gossage, Rocio Kiman, Kristina Monsch, Amber Medina, Jeremy Drake, Cecilia Garraffo, Yuxi Joshua Wing, Nicholas Wright
Abstract: The relationship between magnetic activity and Rossby number is one way through which stellar dynamos can be understood. Using measured rotation rates and X-ray to bolometric luminosity ratios of an ensemble of stars, we derive empirical convective turnover times based on recent observations and re-evaluate the X-ray activity-Rossby number relationship. In doing so, we find a sharp rise in the convective turnover time for stars in the mass range of $0.35-0.4\ \rm M_{\odot}$, associated with the onset of a fully convective internal stellar structure. Using $\texttt{MESA}$ stellar evolution models, we infer the location of dynamo action implied by the empirical convective turnover time. The empirical convective turnover time is found to be indicative of dynamo action deep within the convective envelope in stars with masses $0.1-1.2\ \rm M_{\odot}$, crossing the fully convective boundary. Our results corroborate past works suggesting that partially and fully convective stars follow the same activity-Rossby relation, possibly owing to similar dynamo mechanisms. Our stellar models also give insight into the dynamo mechanism. We find that empirically determined convective turnover times correlate with properties of the deep stellar interior. These findings are in agreement with global dynamo models that see a reservoir of magnetic flux accumulate deep in the convection zone before buoyantly rising to the surface. Week of 10/21/2024 Title: Heavy Elements Abundances Inferred from the First Adiabatic Exponent in the Solar Envelope Authors: V.A. Baturin, A.V. Oreshina, G. Buldgen, S.V. Ayukov, V.K. Gryaznov, I.L. Iosilevskiy, A. Noels, R. Scuflaire
Abstract: The first adiabatic exponent profile, noted $\Gamma_1$, computed along adiabatic coordinates $(T, \rho)$ is in the focus of our study. Under conditions of almost fully ionized hydrogen and helium, the $\Gamma_1$ profile is quite sensitive to heavy elements ionization. $\Gamma_1$ decreases in regions where an element is partially ionized. The recent helioseismic structural inversion is obtained with an accuracy better than $10^{-4}$ in the most of the adiabatic convective zone that allows to study ionization variations. The aim is to determine the major heavy elements content in the solar convective zone. The method of our research is synthesis of the $\Gamma_1$ profile which is based on a linear combination of the contributions of individual heavy elements. The idea of the approach was proposed and justified by Baturin et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 660, A125, 2022). We find the best approximation of the inverted profile $\Gamma_1$ adjusting the abundances of major elements (C, N, O, Ne), meanwhile the abundances of elements heavier than neon are fixed. We synthesize the theoretical $\Gamma_1$ profile using the SAHA-S equation of state, and are able to reproduce the inverted profiles with an accuracy of $(1-2)\cdot 10^{-5}$. Total mass fraction of heavy elements found by this method is $Z=0.0148\pm 0.0004$. The oxygen logarithmic abundance is $8.70\pm 0.03$, carbon $8.44\pm 0.04$, nitrogen $8.12\pm 0.08$, and neon $8.17\pm 0.09$. The obtained estimations of oxygen and carbon agree with spectroscopic abundances by Asplund et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 653, A141, 2021). Title: Detection of Radio Emission from Super-flaring Solar-Type Stars in the VLA Sky Survey Authors: Ivey Davis, Gregg Hallinan, Carlos Ayala, Dillon Dong, Steven Myers
Abstract: Solar-type stars have been observed to flare at optical wavelengths to energies much higher than observed for the Sun. To date, no counterparts have been observed at longer wavelengths. We have searched the the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) for radio emission associated with a sample of 150 single, solar-type stars previously been observed to exhibit superflares in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Counterparts to six of these stars were present in VLASS as transient or highly variable radio sources. One of the stars is detected in all three epochs, exhibiting an unprecedented level of apparently persistent radio emission. The engine for this radio emission is unclear, but may be related to accretion, a binary companion, or the presence of large-scale magnetic field. Two stars show radio emission with >50 circular polarization fraction, indicating a coherent emission process likely being present. We find that the six VLASS-detected stars tend to have higher flare rates and higher flare energies of our TESS sample. This, in addition to the VLASS-detected stars adhering to the Gudel-Benz relation, suggest that the radio emission may be directly associated with superflares. These results confirm that the superflare phenomenon on solar-type stars extends to radio wavelengths, in this instance tracing particle acceleration. These data provide the first window on the luminosity function of radio superflares for solar-type stars and highlights the need for coordinated, multi-wavelength monitoring of such stars to fully illustrate the stellar flare-particle relation. Title: Reconstruction of the Total Solar Irradiance during the last Millenium Authors: Valentina Penza, Luca Bertello, Matteo Cantoresi, Serena Criscuoli, Lorenza Lucaferri, Raffaele Reda, Simone Ulzega, Francesco Berrilli
Abstract: Solar irradiance variations across various timescales, from minutes to centuries, represents a potential natural driver of past regional and global climate cold phases. To accurately assess the Sun's effect on climate, particularly during periods of exceptionally low solar activity known as grand minima, an accurate reconstruction of solar forcing is essential. While direct measurements of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) only began in the late 1970s with the advent of space radiometers, indirect evidence from various historical proxies suggests that the Sun's magnetic activity has undergone possible significant fluctuations over much longer timescales. Employing diverse and independent methods for TSI reconstruction is essential to gaining a comprehensive understanding of this issue. This study employs a semi-empirical model to reconstruct TSI over the past millennium. Our approach uses an estimated open solar magnetic field ($F_{o}$), derived from cosmogenic isotope data, as a proxy for solar activity. We reconstruct the cyclic variations of TSI, due to the solar surface magnetic features, by correlating $F_{o}$ with the parameter of active region functional form. Instead, we obtain the long-term TSI trend by applying the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) algorithm to the reconstructed $F_{o}$ to filter out the 11-year and 22-year solar variability. We prepare a reconstructed TSI record, spanning 971 to 2020 CE. The estimated departure from modern TSI values occurred during the Spörer Minimum (around 1400 CE), with a decrease of approximately 2.3 $W m^{-2}$. A slightly smaller decline of 2.2 $W m^{-2}$ is reported during the Maunder Minimum, between 1645 and 1715 CE. Title: Extending the Asteroseismic Calibration of the Stellar Rossby Number Authors: Travis Metcalfe, Enrico Corsaro, Alfio Bonanno, Orlagh Creevey, Jennifer van Saders
Abstract: The stellar Rossby number (Ro) is a dimensionless quantity that is used in the description of fluid flows. It characterizes the relative importance of Coriolis forces on convective motions, which is central to understanding magnetic stellar evolution. Here we present an expanded sample of Kepler asteroseismic targets to help calibrate the relation between Ro and Gaia color, and we extend the relation to redder colors using observations of the mean activity levels and rotation periods for a sample of brighter stars from the Mount Wilson survey. Our quadratic fit to the combined sample is nearly linear between 0.55 < G_BP-G_RP < 1.2, and can be used to estimate Ro for stars with spectral types between F5 and K3. The strong deviation from linearity in the original calibration may reflect an observational bias against the detection of solar-like oscillations at higher activity levels for the coolest stars. Week of 10/14/2024 Title: Extending the Asteroseismic Calibration of the Stellar Rossby Number Authors: Travis Metcalfe, Enrico Corsaro, Alfio Bonanno, Orlagh Creevey, Jennifer van Saders
Abstract: The stellar Rossby number (Ro) is a dimensionless quantity that is used in the description of fluid flows. It characterizes the relative importance of Coriolis forces on convective motions, which is central to understanding magnetic stellar evolution. Here we present an expanded sample of Kepler asteroseismic targets to help calibrate the relation between Ro and Gaia color, and we extend the relation to redder colors using observations of the mean activity levels and rotation periods for a sample of brighter stars from the Mount Wilson survey. Our quadratic fit to the combined sample is nearly linear between 0.55 < G_BP-G_RP < 1.2, and can be used to estimate Ro for stars with spectral types between F5 and K3. The strong deviation from linearity in the original calibration may reflect an observational bias against the detection of solar-like oscillations at higher activity levels for the coolest stars. Title: Heavy Elements Abundances Inferred from the First Adiabatic Exponent in the Solar Envelope Authors: V.A. Baturin, A.V. Oreshina, G. Buldgen, S.V. Ayukov, V.K. Gryaznov, I.L. Iosilevskiy, A. Noels, R. Scuflaire
Abstract: The first adiabatic exponent profile, noted $\Gamma_1$, computed along adiabatic coordinates $(T, \rho)$ is in the focus of our study. Under conditions of almost fully ionized hydrogen and helium, the $\Gamma_1$ profile is quite sensitive to heavy elements ionization. $\Gamma_1$ decreases in regions where an element is partially ionized. The recent helioseismic structural inversion is obtained with an accuracy better than $10^{-4}$ in the most of the adiabatic convective zone that allows to study ionization variations. The aim is to determine the major heavy elements content in the solar convective zone. The method of our research is synthesis of the $\Gamma_1$ profile which is based on a linear combination of the contributions of individual heavy elements. The idea of the approach was proposed and justified by Baturin et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 660, A125, 2022). We find the best approximation of the inverted profile $\Gamma_1$ adjusting the abundances of major elements (C, N, O, Ne), meanwhile the abundances of elements heavier than neon are fixed. We synthesize the theoretical $\Gamma_1$ profile using the SAHA-S equation of state, and are able to reproduce the inverted profiles with an accuracy of $(1-2)\cdot 10^{-5}$. Total mass fraction of heavy elements found by this method is $Z=0.0148\pm 0.0004$. The oxygen logarithmic abundance is $8.70\pm 0.03$, carbon $8.44\pm 0.04$, nitrogen $8.12\pm 0.08$, and neon $8.17\pm 0.09$. The obtained estimations of oxygen and carbon agree with spectroscopic abundances by Asplund et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 653, A141, 2021). Week of 10/07/2024 Title: Reconstruction of the Total Solar Irradiance during the last Millenium Authors: Valentina Penza, Luca Bertello, Matteo Cantoresi, Serena Criscuoli, Lorenza Lucaferri, Raffaele Reda, Simone Ulzega, Francesco Berrilli
Abstract: Solar irradiance variations across various timescales, from minutes to centuries, represents a potential natural driver of past regional and global climate cold phases. To accurately assess the Sun's effect on climate, particularly during periods of exceptionally low solar activity known as grand minima, an accurate reconstruction of solar forcing is essential. While direct measurements of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) only began in the late 1970s with the advent of space radiometers, indirect evidence from various historical proxies suggests that the Sun's magnetic activity has undergone possible significant fluctuations over much longer timescales. Employing diverse and independent methods for TSI reconstruction is essential to gaining a comprehensive understanding of this issue. This study employs a semi-empirical model to reconstruct TSI over the past millennium. Our approach uses an estimated open solar magnetic field ($F_{o}$), derived from cosmogenic isotope data, as a proxy for solar activity. We reconstruct the cyclic variations of TSI, due to the solar surface magnetic features, by correlating $F_{o}$ with the parameter of active region functional form. Instead, we obtain the long-term TSI trend by applying the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) algorithm to the reconstructed $F_{o}$ to filter out the 11-year and 22-year solar variability. We prepare a reconstructed TSI record, spanning 971 to 2020 CE. The estimated departure from modern TSI values occurred during the Spörer Minimum (around 1400 CE), with a decrease of approximately 2.3 $W m^{-2}$. A slightly smaller decline of 2.2 $W m^{-2}$ is reported during the Maunder Minimum, between 1645 and 1715 CE. Week of 09/30/2024 Title: Heavy Elements Abundances Inferred from the First Adiabatic Exponent in the Solar Envelope Authors: V.A. Baturin, A.V. Oreshina, G. Buldgen, S.V. Ayukov, V.K. Gryaznov, I.L. Iosilevskiy, A. Noels, R. Scuflaire
Abstract: The first adiabatic exponent profile, noted $\Gamma_1$, computed along adiabatic coordinats $(T, \rho)$ is in the focus of our study. Under conditions of almost fully ionized hydrogen and helium, the $\Gamma_1$ profile is quite sensitive to heavy elements ionization. $\Gamma_1$ decreases in regions where an element is partially ionized. The recent helioseismic structural inversion is obtained with an accuracy better than $10^{-4}$ in the most of the adiabatic convective zone that allows to study ionization variations. The aim is to determine the major heavy elements content in the solar convective zone. The method of our research is synthesis of the $\Gamma_1$ profile which is based on a linear combination of the contributions of individual heavy elements. The idea of the approach was proposed and justified by Baturin et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 660, A125, 2022). We find the best approximation of the inverted profile $\Gamma_1$ adjusting the abundances of major elements (C, N, O, Ne), meanwhile the abundances of elements heavier than neon are fixed. We synthesize the theoretical $\Gamma_1$ profile using the SAHA-S equation of state, and are able to reproduce the inverted profiles with an accuracy of $(1-2)\cdot 10^{-5}$. Total mass fraction of heavy elements found by this method is $Z=0.0148\pm 0.0004$. The oxygen logarithmic abundance is $8.70\pm 0.03$, carbon $8.44\pm 0.04$, nitrogen $8.12\pm 0.08$, and neon $8.17\pm 0.09$. The obtained estimations of oxygen and carbon agree with spectroscopic abundances by Asplund et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 653, A141, 2021). Week of 09/23/2024 Title: Searching for Stellar Activity Cycles using Flares: The Short and Long Timescale Activity Variations of TIC-272272592 Authors: Tobin Wainer, James Davenport, Guadalupe Mendoza, Adina Feinstein, Tom Wagg
Abstract: We examine 4 years of Kepler 30-min data, and 5 Sectors of TESS 2-min data for the dM3 star KIC-8507979/TIC-272272592. This rapidly rotating (P=1.2 day) star has previously been identified as flare active, with a possible long-term decline in its flare output. Such slow changes in surface magnetic activity are potential indicators of Solar-like activity cycles, which can yield important information about the structure of the stellar dynamo. We find that while TIC-272272592 shows evidence for both short and long timescale variations in its flare activity, it is unlikely physically motivated. Only a handful of stars have been subjected to such long baseline point-in-time flare studies, and we urge caution in comparing results between telescopes due to differences in bandpass, signal to noise, and cadence. In this work, we develop an approach to measure variations in the flare frequency distributions over time, which is quantified as a function of the observing baseline. For TIC-272272592, we find a $2.7\sigma$ detection of a Sector which has a flare deficit, therefore indicating the short term variation could be a result of sampling statistics. This quantifiable approach to describing flare rate variation is a powerful new method for measuring the months-to-years changes in surface magnetic activity, and provides important constraints on activity cycles and dynamo models for low mass stars. Title: Airy worlds or barren rocks? On the survivability of secondary atmospheres around the TRAPPIST-1 planets Authors: Gwenaël Looveren, Manuel Güdel, Sudeshna Saikia, Kristina Kislyakova
Abstract: In this work we aim to determine the atmospheric survivability of the TRAPPIST-1 planets by modelling the response of the upper atmosphere to incoming stellar high-energy radiation. Through this case study, we also aim to learn more about rocky planet atmospheres in the habitable zone around low-mass M dwarfs. We simulated the upper atmospheres using the Kompot code, a self-consistent thermo-chemical code. Specifically, we studied the atmospheric mass loss due to Jeans escape induced by stellar high-energy radiation. This was achieved through a grid of models that account for the differences in planetary properties, irradiances, and atmospheric properties, allowing the exploration of the different factors influencing atmospheric loss. The present-day irradiance of the TRAPPIST-1 planets would lead to the loss of an Earth's atmosphere within just some 100 Myr. Taking into account the much more active early stages of a low-mass M dwarf, the planets undergo a period of even more extreme mass loss, regardless of planetary mass or atmospheric composition. This indicates that it is unlikely that any significant atmosphere could survive for any extended amount of time around any of the TRAPPIST-1 planets. The assumptions used here allow us to generalise the results, and we conclude that the results tentatively indicate that this conclusion applies to all Earth-like planets in the habitable zones of low-mass M dwarfs. Title: Viewing the PLATO LOPS2 Field Through the Lenses of TESS Authors: Yoshi Eschen, Daniel Bayliss, Thomas Wilson, Michelle Kunimoto, Ingrid Pelisoli, Toby Rodel
Abstract: PLATO will begin observing stars in its Southern Field (LOPS2) after its launch in late 2026. By this time, TESS will have observed the stars in LOPS2 for at least four years. We find that by 2025, on average each star in the PLATO field will have been monitored for 330 days by TESS, with a subset of stars in the TESS continuous viewing zone having over 1000 days of monitoring. There are currently 96 known transiting exoplanets in the LOPS2 field, with 33 of these residing in multiplanet systems. The LOPS2 field also contains around 500 TESS planet candidate systems, over 1000 bright (V<13) eclipsing binary systems, 6 transiting brown dwarf systems, and 2 bright white dwarfs (G<13). We calculate TESS and PLATO sensitivities to detecting transits for the bright FGK stars that make up the PLATO LOPS2 P1 sample. We find that TESS should have discovered almost all transiting giant planets out to approximately 30 d within the LOPS2 field, and out to approximately 100 d for the regions of the LOPS2 field within the TESS CVZ ($\sim$20 per cent of the LOPS2 field). However, we find that for smaller radius planets in the range 1$-$4 R$_\oplus$ PLATO will have significantly better sensitivity, and these are likely to make up the bulk of new PLATO discoveries. Week of 09/16/2024 Title: Measuring Sub-Kelvin Variations in Stellar Temperature with High-Resolution Spectroscopy Authors: Étienne Artigau, Charles Cadieux, Neil Cook, René Doyon, Laurie Dauplaise, Luc Arnold, Maya Cadieux, Jean-François Donati, Paul Cristofari, Xavier Delfosse, Pascal Fouqué, Claire Moutou, Pierre Larue, Romain Allart
Abstract: The detection of stellar variability often relies on the measurement of selected activity indicators such as coronal emission lines and non-thermal emissions. On the flip side, the effective stellar temperature is normally seen as one of the key fundamental parameters (with mass and radius) to understanding the basic physical nature of a star and its relation with its environment (e.g., planetary instellation). We present a novel approach for measuring disk-averaged temperature variations to sub-Kelvin accuracy inspired by algorithms developed for precision radial velocity. This framework uses the entire content of the spectrum, not just pre-identified lines, and can be applied to existing data obtained with high-resolution spectrographs. We demonstrate the framework by recovering the known rotation periods and temperature modulation of Barnard star and AU Mic in datasets obtained in the infrared with SPIRou at CHFT and at optical wavelengths on $\epsilon$ Eridani with HARPS at ESO 3.6-m telescope. We use observations of the transiting hot Jupiter HD189733\,b, obtained with SPIRou, to show that this method can unveil the minute temperature variation signature expected during the transit event, an effect analogous to the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect but in temperature space. This method is a powerful new tool for characterizing stellar activity, and in particular temperature and magnetic features at the surfaces of cool stars, affecting both precision radial velocity and transit spectroscopic observations. We demonstrate the method in the context of high-resolution spectroscopy but the method could be used at lower resolution. Title: Understanding Grand Minima in Solar Activity: Confronting Observations with Dynamo Simulations Authors: Chitradeep Saha, Dibyendu Nandy
Abstract: The grand minimum in the Sun's activity is a distinctive mode characterized by a magnetic lull that almost completely lacks the emergence of sunspots on the solar surface for an extended duration. The factors driving this transition of an otherwise magnetically active star into a quiescent phase, the processes occurring within the solar interior and across the heliosphere during this period, and the mechanisms leading to the eventual resurgence of surface magnetic activity remain enigmatic. However, there have been sustained efforts in the past few decades to unravel these mysteries by employing a combination of observation, reconstruction and simulation of solar magnetic variability. Here, we summarize recent research on the solar grand minimum and highlight some outstanding challenges - both intellectual and practical - that necessitate further investigations. Title: Constraints on the Early Luminosity History of the Sun: Applications to the Faint Young Sun Problem Authors: Connor Basinger, Marc Pinsonneault, Sandra Bastelberger, B. Gaudi, Shawn Domagal-Goldman
Abstract: Stellar evolution theory predicts that the Sun was fainter in the past, which can pose difficulties for understanding Earth's climate history. One proposed solution to this Faint Young Sun problem is a more luminous Sun in the past. In this paper, we address the robustness of the solar luminosity history using the YREC code to compute solar models including rotation, magnetized winds, and the associated mass loss. We present detailed solar models, including their evolutionary history, which are in excellent agreement with solar observables. Consistent with prior standard models, we infer a high solar metal content. We provide predicted X-ray luminosities and rotation histories for usage in climate reconstructions and activity studies. We find that the Sun's luminosity deviates from the standard solar model trajectory by at most 0.5% during the Archean (corresponding to a radiative forcing of 0.849 W m$^{-2}$). The total mass loss experienced by solar models is modest because of strong feedback between mass and angular momentum loss. We find a maximum mass loss of $1.35 \times 10^{-3} M_\odot$ since birth, at or below the level predicted by empirical estimates. The associated maximum luminosity increase falls well short of the level necessary to solve the FYS problem. We present compilations of paleotemperature and CO$_2$ reconstructions. 1-D "inverse" climate models demonstrate a mismatch between the solar constant needed to reach high temperatures (e.g. 60-80 $^{\circ}$C) and the narrow range of plausible solar luminosities determined in this study. Maintaining a temperate Earth, however, is plausible given these conditions. Week of 09/09/2024 Title: Constraints on the Early Luminosity History of the Sun: Applications to the Faint Young Sun Problem Authors: Connor Basinger, Marc Pinsonneault, Sandra Bastelberger, B. Gaudi, Shawn Domagal-Goldman
Abstract: Stellar evolution theory predicts that the Sun was fainter in the past, which can pose difficulties for understanding Earth's climate history. One proposed solution to this Faint Young Sun problem is a more luminous Sun in the past. In this paper, we address the robustness of the solar luminosity history using the YREC code to compute solar models including rotation, magnetized winds, and the associated mass loss. We present detailed solar models, including their evolutionary history, which are in excellent agreement with solar observables. Consistent with prior standard models, we infer a high solar metal content. We provide predicted X-ray luminosities and rotation histories for usage in climate reconstructions and activity studies. We find that the Sun's luminosity deviates from the standard solar model trajectory by at most 0.5% during the Archean (corresponding to a radiative forcing of 0.849 W m$^{-2}$). The total mass loss experienced by solar models is modest because of strong feedback between mass and angular momentum loss. We find a maximum mass loss of $1.35 \times 10^{-3} M_\odot$ since birth, at or below the level predicted by empirical estimates. The associated maximum luminosity increase falls well short of the level necessary to solve the FYS problem. We present compilations of paleotemperature and CO$_2$ reconstructions. 1-D "inverse" climate models demonstrate a mismatch between the solar constant needed to reach high temperatures (e.g. 60-80 $^{\circ}$C) and the narrow range of plausible solar luminosities determined in this study. Maintaining a temperate Earth, however, is plausible given these conditions. Week of 09/02/2024 Title: In situ observations of large amplitude Alfvén waves heating and accelerating the solar wind Authors: Yeimy Rivera, Samuel Badman, Michael Stevens, Jaye Verniero, Julia Stawarz, Chen Shi, Jim Raines, Kristoff Paulson, Christopher Owen, Tatiana Niembro, Philippe Louarn, Stefano Livi, Susan Lepri, Justin Kasper, Timothy Horbury, Jasper Halekas, Ryan Dewey, Rossana Marco, Stuart Bale
Abstract: After leaving the Sun's corona, the solar wind continues to accelerate and cools, but more slowly than expected for a freely expanding adiabatic gas. We use in situ measurements from the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter spacecrafts to investigate a stream of solar wind as it traverses the inner heliosphere. The observations show heating and acceleration of the the plasma between the outer edge of the corona and near the orbit of Venus, in connection to the presence of large amplitude Alfvén waves. Alfvén waves are perturbations in the interplanetary magnetic field that transport energy. Our calculations show the damping and mechanical work performed by the Alfvén waves is sufficient to power the heating and acceleration of the fast solar wind in the inner heliosphere. Title: TESS asteroseismology of $β$ Hydri: a subgiant with a born-again dynamo Authors: Travis Metcalfe, Jennifer Saders, Daniel Huber, Derek Buzasi, Rafael Garcia, Keivan Stassun, Sarbani Basu, Sylvain Breton, Zachary Claytor, Enrico Corsaro, Martin Nielsen, J. Ong, Nicholas Saunders, Amalie Stokholm, Timothy Bedding
Abstract: The solar-type subgiant $\beta$ Hyi has long been studied as an old analog of the Sun. Although the rotation period has never been measured directly, it was estimated to be near 27 days. As a southern hemisphere target it was not monitored by long-term stellar activity surveys, but archival International Ultraviolet Explorer data revealed a 12 year activity cycle. Previous ground-based asteroseismology suggested that the star is slightly more massive and substantially larger and older than the Sun, so the similarity of both the rotation rate and the activity cycle period to solar values is perplexing. We use two months of precise time-series photometry from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to detect solar-like oscillations in $\beta$ Hyi and determine the fundamental stellar properties from asteroseismic modeling. We also obtain a direct measurement of the rotation period, which was previously estimated from an ultraviolet activity-rotation relation. We then use rotational evolution modeling to predict the rotation period expected from either standard spin-down or weakened magnetic braking (WMB). We conclude that the rotation period of $\beta$ Hyi is consistent with WMB, and that changes in stellar structure on the subgiant branch can reinvigorate the large-scale dynamo and briefly sustain magnetic activity cycles. Our results support the existence of a "born-again" dynamo in evolved subgiants -- previously suggested to explain the cycle in 94 Aqr Aa -- which can best be understood within the WMB scenario. |